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Would you like some coffee? |
커피 드실래요? |
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He had coffee after dinner. |
그는 저녁식사 후 커피를 마셨다. |
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She accidentally spilled coffee on her dress.
실수로 드레스에 커피를 쏟았습니다.
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Drinking coffee in the morning helps to stimulate my brain and wake me up. |
아침에 커피를 마시면 뇌를 자극하고 잠을 깨우는 데 도움이 됩니다. |
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I want to order some coffee. |
커피를 주문하고 싶어요. |
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Caviar, salmon, coffee and other ingredients that did not grow in the country were imported. |
캐비아 연어 커피 등 국내에서 생산할 수 없는 식자재는 수입되었다. |
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Would you prefer green tea or coffee? |
녹차나 커피 어떠세요? |
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I prefer coffee. |
커피가 좋아요. |
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That is such a good coffee shop that it is always full of people |
매우 좋은 커피숍이기에 항상 손님이 만원이다. |
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Shall we have a coffee break? |
쉬면서 커피 한 잔 할까요? |